Julia/X-Plane scenery organizer

More work on my Julia X-Plane scenery organizer. Created a SQLite ICAO airport database [54,000+ records] from a csv file I found on github. The Julia SQLite handeling has changed since my last use, it now also requires dataframes! See 10/12/2018 where I talked about dataframes.

Because X-Plane has no requirements on scenery file, file names, it seems, at best an organizer can only help organize a file. If some developer creates a library and decides to name it bird then how can an organizer intelligently know it's a library? If Laminar would simply require file names to follow a standard it would be much easier. At any rate it was a good Julia exercise.

Reran my Julia program, that used SQLite to create real "looking" customer data. Huge SQLite improvement in speed still a little slow on initialization. But once in main loop my gut feel is it's now faster than Python. Contrast that to what I said on 09/18/2018.

2019-02-13 02:14:00