Julia 1.1.0/MS VS Code

Well Julia 1.1.0 came out on 01/22 and good news...it now can execute Julia code within the very cool MS VS Code editor!

Started writing X-Plane 11 "scenery_packs.ini" ordering program. There is an X-Organizer MS-Windows only program that does this. Wow I already forgot so much basic Julia syntax. And my notes were severely lacking basic "if" statement details.

Embarassing...I don't even want to admit how long I spent trying to figure out what was wrong with the following line...

If ln[1:13] != "SCENERY_PACK "

which caused this error...

'ERROR: LoadError: syntax: extra token "ln" after end of expression'

Long story short...'If' should be lowercase!!!!

2019-01-29 02:12:47