
09/20 - Really want Lazarus working. Also have a big curiosity [probably because I've used MS-Visual Basic] about Gambas [see farther down below]. So I feel some changes in Mint 18 along the way may have caused the problem. So I decided to Clonezilla what I have, then reinstall Mint 18. Lazarus still seemed to have problems. So installed Lazarus from Software Manager. It did install FPC but not sources.

BTW WTH do you choose? Lazarus or Lazarus IDE or Lazarus 1.6. They all say 27MB download which is way less than 3 deb files.

Having a Lazarus IDE implies that you already have FPC already installed, but why is the install size the same as a complete Lazarus install?


Without the proper FPC sources code browsing and completion will be very limited

Directory: /home/bill/Mystuff/Pascal/Lazarus/

I don't want a crippled install. So I installed the sources from Software Manager. Which fixed that problem, however when trying to edit an existing Lazarus project...I got

Warning: directory lcl not found

Very skeptical about Software Manager's Lazarus install

So tried to uninstall using the Software Manager which said it did it, however...the fpc compiler wasn't uninstalled. So it really didn't uninstall everything it installed!

What was/wasn't installed/uninstalled?

The 3 .deb file downloads[fpc, fpc sources, lazarus] are 126.3MB which was much larger than Software Manager's Lazarus reported install size.

So glad I cloned fresh Mint install, will restore and try installing from the .deb's.

While installing FPC 3.0 & Lazarus 1.6 deb...

A later version is available in a software channel

You are strongly advised to install the version from the software channel, since it is usually better supported.

So...restored latest Mint clone...Installed from 3 deb files [in this order FPC, FPC sources, Lazarus

And, finally, drum roll please....It WORKED!!!

config error messages when starting IDE. My existing Lazarus Scoreboard program opened fine.

bill@bill-desktop ~ $ fpc

Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.0 [2015/12/05] for x86_64

Lazarus 1.6 2-15-2016

Of course AFTER I let the Update Manager, update FPC & Lazarus which it wanted to do...drum roll please....It DIDN'T WORK!

So I've decided to restore clone and most of my other software before installing Lazarus. Since I feel I now know how to get and keep it running...install from .debs & don't update with Update Manager.

Installing most of my other software 1st cuts down on time when I have problems with bigger, more complicated software, because some of the other software still aren't just a simple install.

For example the Keepass Firefox plugin requires a complete mono install and a plugin placed in '/usr/lib/keepass2' and sometimes a Firefox option change telling where Keepass2 is.

Truecrypt, Veracrypt, Opera and Google Chrome not are not installed by Software Manager.


Because of my familiarity with Visual Basic, I have a fascination with GAMBAS, however I really haven't used it much. It does seem like very nice project and it's been around a long time.

I install it with Software Manager then tried to remove with the Software Manager, because I could install the latest version via a PPA but it got some status code near the end...maybe because I hadn't closed the Software Manager. It showed in the menu but wouldn't start. So I installed it by a PPA.

Restored clone again [maybe not the best/fastest way, but since I'll be on this release a long time...I want my system very clean.

2015-09-20 00:47:22