Pi radio

Got old Admiral AM tube radio that sat on a shelf above the sink when I was growing up in the 1960s. Had a thought of putting a Raspberry Pi inside of it, and only play 1960s era music and radio spots. Been writing a Python program that plays random 1960s music. After every 3 songs it plays a radio jingle followed by a 1960s commercial. I use streamripper to rip 1960s music from 1960s music streams. Streamripper works better with stream with a clear beginning and end. I've been using a UK 60s stream that has good separation. Used YouTube to get jingles and commercials. Also used YouTube for songs I wanted that weren't ripped, although just letting streamripper run for a while can result in a lot of music. I used 'avconv' to convert the YouTube videos to MP3s and also to extract individual segments from a video with many commercials and/or jingles. So my Python uses 3 folders, music,jingles and commercials.

2014-11-25 00:03:11